Jagiellońska 54
03-463 Warszawa
The activity of the Pro Humanum association is aimed at building an open civil society, preventing
discrimination and social exclusion.
A human being as an autonomic individual, aspiring to full development of their ability,
characterised by high activity in various fields of public life is a foundation of the vision of the civil
society. High tolerance and openness are cultural basis of the civil society.
An open society is such type of society, in which freedom of thought and conviction is present and
an individual has a right to personal decisions. There are no a priori obligatory ways of behaviour
and there is no universal world outlook. The notion of the open society is based on a principle of
tolerance, accepting diversity and autonomy (ethnic, of beliefs, national etc.).
Our vision of civil attitude in an open society relates to making collective efforts to realise the goal
which is the common good of the community. Individuals showing a civil attitude are ready to
accept the responsibility for the community and also to provide support for its other members and to
make sacrifice for common good.
Education is the key to create attitudes. Therefore civil education comprises practices and actions
aimed at preparing people better to taking active part in democratic life. It comprises promoting of
democratic principles and values and those connected with human rights (such as human dignity,
equality, solidarity, no discrimination, pluralism). Its part is the global education, which widens
the scope of upbringing by making people aware of the existence of phenomenons and correlations
connecting people and places. Its aim is to prepare the recipients to face the challenges concerning
all humanity.
It is our basic goal, that’s why we educate, organise conferences and seminars, publish, take part
in social campaigns and perform direct counselling help for the people who, for various reasons,
cannot cope with reality.